INDIA NETBOOKS provides a pretty good number of services concerning publication and marketing of books etc:

Comprehensive Publication Services

INB team provides all services and resources for publishing books right from receiving of manuscript to handing over complete book to the Author. This comprises if:
▪ Receiving your manuscript
▪ Approval for publishing by Reviewer
▪ Sending manuscript for book designing
    • In case manuscript is in soft form it will be formatted directly.
    • In case manuscript is in hard form it will be first typed then formatted. In such cases, basic typing cost is charged extra


An exclusive ISBN is got allotted to the Author from the ISBN Authority

Proof Reading and Editing

When the book designing is complete, its proof reading and editing is done. The proof reading is done twice and charges are included in itz package. However separate charge for Editing shall be charged.

Cover designing

Cover designing is free of cost and designing up to two covers is free included in the package. Extra cover got design shall be billed for

Registration of copyright.

It’s optional but for us safety should be more important. You can register your copyright by paying just a few rupees more.

Publication of eBooks

The book can be solely or additionally published as ebook at nominal extra charge

Publication of Audio Books

The book can be solely or additionally published as Audio book at nominal extra charge

Publication of Video Books

The book can be solely or additionally published as Video book at nominal extra charge

Marketing Services

The marketing services are customised based on the book, budget and borders (places to be visited)