Book Marketing Services

1) India Netbboks can promote a book and attract readers through its Website as well as through Facebook/ Instagram page, creating attractive banners and so on.
2) India Netbooks also sends copies of the book to the famous Journals and magazines and book reviewers in the country.
3) If the author invests money for the promotion of book on Facebook or Instagram , it also promotes the book through Facebook/Instagram Promotion Schemes
4) Promotion plans suggested by the author are also implemented if it comes within the functionality/policy of the India Netbooks.
5) If the author desires with budget advertisement of the book in newspapers/ magazines then campaign can be launched. In case of inclusive advertisement proportionate expenditure shall be payable by the Author

Type of Services

India Netbooks provides pretty good number of services concerning marketing of books
The customization can be done during personal discussion.
A combination of more than one methods can also be made.
Our Team may demonstrate various modes and Plans on


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